Personal Website of Roland Rhoades
Genealogist, Historian, and Time Traveler

Specializing in Maine Families

Gorham Maine -

last update 25 March 2023


 In November 2013 I decided to buy a new bed. After checking prices, I decided I might as well buy antique.
 This is an 1840-1850 era Jenny Lind Spool Rope Bed, black walnut wood.  Beds used to have ropes to hold up the mattress, which needed regular tightening, hence the old saying, "sleep tight...". Those knobs and the hole had something to do with the ropes.  Old beds were also never standard, so a full-size box spring didn't fit, so I made my own.
 First picture shows before I cleaned and polished it with Fuller Brush premium carnauba Lemon DCW (Dusts, Cleans, Waxes) Furniture Wax. 
 This link shows a bed very close to this design for $1495. Luckily I found a much better deal from a local antique dealer.
 Picture 2 shows my bed set up with my Maternal Ancestral Photo Wall in the background (Robertson - Safford - Leavitt).
 This is my bedside table that I moved here to take a better photo of. This is early 20th century and belonged to Cyndy's aunt Helen Harris of Newburyport (1914-2012).
 This is my 2-tier oak dresser that I got from my grandmother (Marion Boudway Rhoades), likely early 20th century. The lower tier would have held a wash basin back before the days of running water.
 Here is my hurricane lamp on top of my dresser, which is also setting on an antique solid brass Chinese tray. Against my Paternal Ancestral Photo Wall (Rhoades - Flagg). Photo on dresser maternal Leavitt-Robertson family.
  This is my childhood lamp from 60 years ago, with the Butcher, Baker, and Candlestick maker, right above my dresser.

I'm really proud of this classy antique ashtray.  Somebody had given this to my grandfather (Roland E Rhoades II 1912-1997).

  Here is my antique Morris Chair, which has a manual Recliner mechanism. Not sure how old it is, but my grandmother Marion sewed the patchwork covers.
 'THE BIRCHES" - This is an original painting by my grandmother Marion Frances (Boudway) Rhoades (1911-2008)
 This Seth Thomas clock belonged to my mother's father, William Lewis Robertson (1885-1947)
 This chair came from my grandmother's house (Marion Boudway Rhoades)
 Cyndy's Oak Kitchen Table
YES, we really do still use this telephone.  I also have one of those newfangled desk phones - it has a cord like this one, but you can just push buttons for the numbers!  What will they think of next?
 Oakes Family Rocking Chair, made in the late 1800s from maple cut on the Oakes family farm in New Albany, Nova Scotia, that Cyndy got from Aunt Helen Harris, who got it from her mother Hilda (Oakes) Harris. Probably made by Charles Henry Oakes Jr (1848-1930).
 Behind the chair is Cyndy's antique bookcase that she got from her Aunt Helen Harris. To the side is a bamboo table that we got from Nana (Marion Rhoades), and a small table and lamp from her Aunt Vi (Harris).
 Mahogany table that Cyndy got from aunt Helen Harris, who got it from her aunt, Ella (Oakes) Qualey
 1912 wedding dress of Hilda Emerson Oakes (1889-1973) & Roy Edward Harris (1886-1947), held by g-dau Cyndy.  We found it in the closet when we cleaned out Cyndy's mother's house (Kathleen Harris Poirier).
An evaluator said he estimated the dress as older, so it could very well be originally Hilda's mother's wedding dress, Margaret Louisa Nixon who married Charles Oakes in 1877 Nova Scotia. Photos that we have show her as tiny also.
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